Convert more with intelligent search
Personalize the search experience and always show the most relevant products with an intelligent search engine built just for e-commerce.
A search engine built for E-Commerce
Search your visitors will love, guaranteed.
Understands just like a real human
Automatically recognizes customer search intent and context with special characters, measurements, attributes, modifiers, and categories with faceted search, just like a real sales clerk.
Corrects spelling mistakes and typos
Deliver the correct search result every time even when searchers misspell or create innocent typos with intelligent autocorrect.
Recognizes synonyms automatically
Built-in synonym detection across multiple languages enables you to provide relevant search results that otherwise would not have been shown.
Delivers best-in-class navigation
Create the best user experience with any product attribute of your choice by simply adding custom UX-blocks for easy filtering and to narrow down search (or category) results.
Match searches with relevant content
Include highly relevant content from your blog, categories, and CMS pages that help guide your searchers to purchase using contextual sales-driven AI.
Guide your search discovery
Instantly show customers perfect results after only two keystrokes for a seamless browsing experience that guides your customers to relevant products.
Real-time search analytics & insights
Actionable feedback to better understand what searches drive conversions
Understands every language out-of-the-box, making it possible to instantly implement across your stores in different countries.
"Did you mean" suggestions
Automatically suggests alternative queries on zero-result search pages.
Real-time indexing
Changes to your products and orders are synced and updated in real time ensuring results are always up to date and relevant.
Manual accessories
Tell our AI that certain items should be sold together with either one- or two-way product accessory recommendations.
Content search
Present consumers with relevant content such as blog posts, CMS pages, and landing pages in your searches.
Directional synonyms
Add two- or one-way synonyms to include or exclude synonyms for custom search results.
Benchmark performance
Compare your search performance against thousands of other stores powered by
Instant results
Industry-leading 18ms response time ensures an instantaneous search and seamless shopping experience.
Automatic product analysis
Automatic analysis of product information to determine the best results. For example "shirt dress" and "dress shirt".
Related searches report
Access detailed related search reports to better understand search behavior across products and brands.
Align business goals with prioritization and promotion of certain vendors, brands, campaigns, or categories with custom rules.
Health checks
Instant visual overview of how your store is connected and quality of the data being fed to
Automatically searches for variations on a word, normally pluralizations. Example: searching "dress" also looks for "dresses".
Centralized developer logs
Fully detailed developer logs on events from your connected sources and data syncs for instant debugging across channels.
Visual overlay
Enable real-time autocomplete search results in a custom highlighted overlay module to draw attention to search task.
Complete search revenue attribution and detailed usage statistics including profitability, popularity, lost opportunities, and more.
Demo store
Test and preview new changes and features on a live demo store with your own feed of products.
Why E-commerce professionals love us
We asked our customers what changed for the better after using
We started using a few months ago. With regard to Magento 2 and the old Magento 1, it is by far the fastest and most accurate search module on the market. have set the bar really high.
Clerk is by far the best search engine I've worked with so far both in regards to being fast and stable. Their customer support is always helpful and respond quickly to any questions one might have.
Our Magento search has improved greatly, very helpfull staff, ask for Ryan Taylor and you will get good honest advice that is hard to find nowadays.
The essential guide to E-Commerce site search (that actually converts)
Lessons learned from powering 15 Billion personalized experiences and $4 Billion in revenue.
Learn how personalized search changes user conversion.
Learn 8 key ingredients to a successful search experience.
Learn the difference between sales based search and old text search.