Take full control of your shopping experience

Take full control of the shopping experience with tailored recommendations with tailored recommendations that use custom merchandising rules. Easily apply these rules across your entire site, within specific categories, or even in single product presentations to ensure the most relevant and engaging experience for every shopper. Automatically Grow Sales.

e-commerce data card showing orange trainers sneakers with rules and actions drop down

E-Commerce merchandising, simplified

Simple rules, powerful results.


Promote specific brands or products

Boost visibility and highlight specific vendors or products with easy-to-use filters that ensure featured placements across search results, categories, landing pages, and other key touchpoints—ensuring maximum exposure and engagement.


Meet your internal business goals

Maximize profitability by promoting and selling the products that matter most to your bottom line. Prioritize high-margin items, optimize based on the number of stock units in storage, and leverage key business insights to ensure the right products get the visibility they deserve.


Bundle matching items

Powerful filters create bundling logics that pair relevant products frequently bought together based on real-time behavioral and sales data.
By analyzing behavioral patterns and sales data, these bundles encourage larger purchases, increasing basket size and boosting overall revenue


Align marketing campaigns

Easily launch custom recommendations based on sale items, colors, sizes and much more to quickly create targeted campaigns that engage shoppers, boost conversions, and drive sales.