
Improve your customers’ health with personalized care

By offering a broad array of remedies and health boosters, your online pharmacy makes it easier for your customers to take care of their well-being. But how can you successfully manage this massive variety of products? Optimize product positioning in your store by pushing specific brands, targeting your advertising campaigns, and avoiding frustrating your customers with out-of-stock items. Automatically Grow Sales.

Pharmaceuticals beat our previous vendor by 143% in additional revenue.
filip domagala profile image in circle

Filip Domagala

CEO, Unisport


Guaranteed to grow your sales automatically analyzes behavior, trends, and transactions to present powerful real-time search results, recommendations, content, and insights.

Increase in
order value
More likely
to convert
* Real averages across all e-commerce stores using vs. those who didn’t within the same quarter.

E-commerce automation and personalization. Simplified.

Take your webstore to the next level with Clerk.


Put high-margin products into the spotlight

Ten different kinds of Vitamin C, but some have higher margins than others. Clerk’s merchandising feature allows you to push specific brands in your search results, recommendations, and email advertising. Implement clever product positioning in your online store to increase your profitability.


Sell short-life-cycle products faster

Clear your shelves fast without the need to send a 10% discount offer to everyone! Clerk Audience helps you find the customers most interested in a particular product. Create targeted and more effective email campaigns to avoid extreme dips in profitability through significant discounts.


Don’t show your customers something they cannot buy anyway

Out-of-stock products won’t sell – so why display them? Clerk’s artificial intelligence can rank out-of-stock items lower in search results and product recommendations – or leave them out altogether. Keep your inventory and product promotion in perfect sync and provide a frictionless shopping experience for your customers.

The Clerk Products

Powerful solutions to propel your business.


Optimize your webshop’s search to ensure shoppers see the products they actually want rather than wading through unnecessary items. Whether they are searching for a specific drug name or the best treatment for a particular illness, our intelligent search will show available, best-selling, and specific products specifically suited to them. You’ll never have ‘no result searches’ or show out-of-stock products.

Typo and synonym detection

Keyword matching for more relevant search results

Easy search and website navigation


Struggling with cross-selling opportunities and alternative suggestions on your product pages? Our Recommendations solution works with AI to automatically generate the perfect product recommendations, saving you time and manual work. Help your customers discover more at every touchpoint, so they can complement their cough syrup with vitamin C supplements or whatever our intelligent AI recommends.

Suggest alternative products

Display complementary products

Drive traffic from blogs to product pages


Email is an essential channel for your marketing communication, but it’s time-consuming to draft and manually choose which products should be shown, and in the pharmacy industry, there are many. With such vast products and customer needs, it’s impossible and impractical to choose a one-size-fits-all approach. Clerk Email uses pre-built triggers and set-and-forget predictive AI to send highly personalized 1:1 product emails.

Completely automated email campaigns

23 prebuilt smart logics

Fully customizable recommendation logics with rules and filters


What if you could predict which customer profiles provide your business with the most value? Our AI finds similar shoppers to your current customers and removes the guessing work about customer behavior, so you’ll know if they’re interested in treatments for diabetes, asthma, or migraines. And the best part? Our Audience feature is completely cookieless.

Segment customers by product interest, behaviors, and orders

Integrate with ad platforms like Facebook and Google for further reach

Use customer analytics to guide your decision-making

This is a placeholder heading

This is some placeholder text, write what you would like here.

Increase in
order value
Increase in
order value
Increase in
order value
Increase in
order value

What our 

customers think of Clerk

Since we implemented's search tool, we have seen a significant improvement in our conversion and bounce rates. We have a huge catalog of products, so Clerk's tool has been instrumental in leveraging the many different products we carry.

Elizabeth Ronan, General Manager



We A/B-tested between our own manually selected products and's automated email recommendations. showed a 32% higher click-through rate!

Nils Træholt, Co-Founder

Med 24


Clerk has a simple and intuitive interface, the large amount of data is organized and easy to consult. Thanks to the tool, it is possible to interpret customer search queries, especially intentions and missed conversions. It’s a useful tool for optimization purposes!

Emmanuele De Angelis, Commercial Director



Ready to see how Clerk can support your unique business needs?

Reach out to us here