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Prioritise Attributes

Attribute ranking in Clerk decides how important attributes are for products. E.g. if name is set to high priority, any direct matches are prioritised first - like when searching for "Nike Air Max 270".

Running an eCommerce business is complex, and different types of businesses often have different needs for displaying products in Search. One business might put an emphasis on the indivdiual categories like boots, shirts or trousers, where others have tagged items with highly relevant specifications that are considered most important for each product.

That's why we've made it easy to influence how Clerks Search function ranks attributes on products - all while keeping the intelligence behind our sales-based AI intact.


In your Search Configuration found under Settings, you can now access Searchable attributes grouped by ranking order. By standard, Clerk defines 3 groups:

  • High relevance
  • Other attributes
  • Low relevance

These groups work well for the majority of webshops as they prioritise common attributes like the name, categories and brand, while down-prioritising broad and vague attributes like the full description.

You can change, delete and add new groups to better control the importance of attributes for your products. A good rule of thumb is not exceed 3 groups, to not over-optimise on attributes and down-priotisie sales-relevance, which is ultimately the core strength of Clerk.

Read more about this in our Knowledge Center.

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